I have been noticeably absent on the blog scene for a couple of months...trying to work out new depression meds. I do feel better and wanted to let everyone know what I am working on. I am writing again. I have a book in my head that wants to be shared so I am obliging it.
On the crochet front, I am working on 2 baby blankets, blue/green/white boy blankets, for friends who's wives are with child. I still have to do another boy one but want to finish at least one of these first...too many projects in the works = not finishing anything I have discovered...I have a facebook page now, if you want just look for Michele Storms in VT and invite me to be your friend. The more the merrier, I think.
Next blog will include pics of the two baby blankets I am working on and where to find the patterns...and it will be sooner than 3 months...thanks